My first time

Some of the detail in this story is fiction, but it is strongly based on my first experience of and the consequences. I think of it as "enhanced truth", for as the Irish say "a[…]

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Toms frustration

It was still quite early for Tom to be returning home on a Saturday night. He’d been hanging around in the car park of the local Somerfield store with a group of his friends, drinking[…]

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A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they were undressing for bed, the husband who was a big burly man tossed his pants to his bride and[…]

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More then just friends

Joseph, Autumn and Emily are friends. Emily and Autumn have been best friends for 7 years. Joseph is Autumn’s Boyfriend for about 2 years. Lately Joseph has been asking Autumn for a three way with[…]

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Aerobic spank 2

Aerobic Spank 2 When I returned home and cleaned up after my surprise experience at the aerobic studio, I sat down and gave the situation some thought. Sonia wouldn’t be returning home until she got[…]

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3d radio

My pen-name is Rachael Wright, and I love sexual fantasies. I began enjoying them when I was teen, and I married a man who learned to enjoy them with me. Eventually I started jotting down[…]

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