Kristi's family 7

Chapter Seven Three more times that night, Roger fucked Kristi. Each time, he would put Vaseline on and inside her raw rectum which he had found under the sink in the bathroom. Kristi didn't' object,[…]

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Research library

Fbailey story number 396 Research Library When I retired at sixty-two I decided to research the area when I lived and to write a comprehensive book unlike any written before me. It combined several of[…]

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Falling ch. 01

Chapter 1, In which I do a good deed I was lying on my back staring at the ceiling when the phone rang. It was too much effort to move, so I continued pondering the[…]

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"tina the tease"

Tina the Tease By Blueheatt Klop, Klop, Klop, and all the guys in the shop would look up and watch Tina walk by in her high heels. I looked at her perfect young pointy full[…]

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“Nope, I’m going to go bearing gifts of truth. She was warned, the contract states very specifically a gag order for me, my team and everything we do. I cannot let this slide,” I tell[…]

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Too tight

"What do you think about Southern Illinois," asked Miss Weston, "it's got a great communications department, one of the best in the nation." Sarah Foster looked intently at the brochure her guidance counselor had placed[…]

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