Mary kay convention

The set up was perfect. A cosmetics convention filled with women at a hotel conference center. At the end of the long day of meetings lots of women get drunk, not having to worry about[…]

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Loving friends

One night my friends and I were watching movies spread around the room on couches, air matresses and chairs as well as the floor. Slowly everyone was drifting off to bed when eventually it was[…]

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The island, chapter 13

With breakfast over, the boys cleaned up the shells, and tossed them into the bathroom area behind their hut. Jimmy knew that eventually they would either have to clean their bathroom, or move their home.[…]

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Training zooey

PART ONE – ERIC POV – Sex? Nope, but an introduction and deion to the storyline PART TWO – ZOOEY POV – Sex? Nope PART THREE – ERIC POV – Sex? Yes PART ONE –[…]

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Dirty basement

Heather slowly approachs the closed dark basement door with trepidation and caution; what lies beyond is a world that is messy and dangerous. It is John's private workshop full of sharp tools, dirty workbenches, vise[…]

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Met at the store

I was standing in the health and beauty isle of my local grocery store, when I felt someone looking at me. At first I dismissed it as an over active imagination and my crazy libido[…]

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