The rest of the ride to the dorm was fast and full of talk, all most like nothing between Blaine and I had happened. When we arrived at the college, I was enticed by the[…]
Was having drinks with friends in a bar downtown when i saw you walk in. we hadn’t planned a visit. we hadn’t discussed my plans. how did you know where to find me? you strode[…]
Busted! (pt 1)
Rose's mom was gone at work, her boyfriend was over, and they were going to do it. But Rose's younger brother doesn't like when he's over, and disrupts them every time. Maybe this time he'll[…]
50 shades of beech mountain–chapter 20
50 Shades of Beech Mountain –Chap 20 As I have stated earlier–BDSM is not for everyone. You may want to skip these “Shades of Beech Mountain" chapters entirely or may choose to read just out[…]
Me, joe and his gf
First let me tale you about me I'm 23 black male 6ft 195 muscular I'm in college and work as a dishwasher for a wine bar in northern Florida I have been working with this[…]
Wife's friend comes for a visit~!
Wife’s Friend comes for a visit Enough time has passed after my divorce, (12 years now) that now allows me to tell this story, where it wouldn’t matter any longer to those who might think[…]
Impregnating sarah part 11
Part 11—Sarah is air tight Sarah lay on her back and stretched contentedly, her arms reached far above her head stretching the muscles in her shoulders that had tightened as she supported herself during Dr.[…]
Teaching the options
“For the next few days,” Margaret told me, “I think it best for my car to be parked here at Faculty House overnight instead of at your house. Marcia has agreed to drive both of[…]
Snow story ch1
My first attempt at a story. I tried my best to format it correctly. Please tell me what you think. The second and third chapters are going up at the same time. Snow Story I[…]
Liz the milf
My wife and I looked like any other couple on the outside. Young and in love, but it was what we did behind close doors that made us special. We lived on the outskirts of[…]
Guy propositions lady
A beautiful girl gets catches the eye of a young man at a party. He brings her a glass of wine, introduces himself and starts up a conversation. Seems that they like the same music,[…]
If i love her why do i use her
When I was 8 years old my mother remarried a man, I was happy as we were kinda poor living in Detroit MI, my father had left us before I could really even remember him.[…]
The poker game
The Poker Game My name is Sarah and my husbands name is Ed. He’s 33 medium build I’m 31 5”2” 135 lbs strawberry blond hair, 40DD and a tight butt. Because I’m so short my[…]
Your name here: chapter 3
Author's Note: A lot of the emotions in this story that Jess feels are based on a family problem I am dealing with right now. I tried not to make anything seem too personal, but[…]
Neighborhood gossip gets hers
Fbailey story number 474 Neighborhood Gossip Gets Hers I could not believe it when I looked out my bathroom window and saw Mrs. Turner peeking in my neighbor’s window. Her shorts and panties were around[…]
Should i go back and get her? part one
Should I go back and get her? I met her at a little gas station on the corner. We started chatting online earlier that night on a social networking sight. We both were into psychedelics[…]