Sins of the father g

Introduction. Introduction. This is one of 13 parts. Beginning with Flight of Sin, Sins of the Father through Sins of the Father G. There are side parts, Naughty Pretty Things, Naughty Pretty Things II, Now[…]

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The wheels on the Jaguar convertible squeal as I power through a tight curve in the road. The warm Dallas air is rushing past my ears with a howl and down the street between tall[…]

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an original limerick by /> there was once a broke lady writer from pawtucket her chair was repo'd so she had to sit on a bucket she licked the pen's tip but did not suck[…]

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The salesgirl

Kathy stood by the front door of Cox Shoe Store waiting for the last few customers of the day leave. It was almost five o'clock and she had a lot to do before Mark picked[…]

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The pact

Three more days. That's the thought that kept me going. Three days and I would definitely be losing my virginity. Y'see, I had made a pact with my best friend, Emily, that if neither of[…]

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