.It was Saturday The last day of June when about to slip into bed surprisingly noticing that my window was open i slowly walked over to the lattice and closed the window i climbed into[…]
Beth, her new life
BETH Fiction by Zappa06415 Ah, just another typical morning on the north coast of Oregon. Pea-soup fog pouring in off the chilly ocean out over the point. It’ll be about 5 hours before the sun[…]
A chance encounter part ii
2 months later Marie sat in the back seat of her best friends Chevy sonic listening to the conversation going on around her. She couldn't believe she has let Aélita talk her into going to[…]
Wifes first mfm, what a night
It started out as a night out with plans to meet a guy we have been talking with for a while, and did the night go so very well. we have done the fmf and[…]
Different love – part iii
Hi, guys. First of all, sorry to the people who was waiting that long for another installment of my stories. I'm passing through a very complicated moment of my life so I don't have enough[…]
So damn mean
I was 12 with dozens of younger cousins that all looked up 2 me but one cousin was always a lil too close. she was 9 about 4'6 and thick and a high school girl[…]
Having some fun on my best friends couch!!
One summer day, before we started 8th grade, my best friend Adam invited 4 of us over to his house to spend the night. I knew that he invited one of my friends, Justin, who[…]
A night of dancing
Part I “It was a beautiful ceremony,” I noted as we walked out of the Tempe, Arizona church towards my car. I look over at you and can't believe how beautiful you look. In high[…]
Wrinkles in time part 1 (long)
Chapter 15 /> The Adventures of Béla, the Vampire Girl Book 3: Wrinkles in Time Part 1 Chapter 1 /> The Goddess Elaine hadn’t completely withdrawn from the mental image of her sister’s quarters on[…]
As a song, forever together chapter 6
Chapter 6. The Prom Evening The Prom evening was two weeks after the start of school. On the Prom evening the contestant pairs had to join the best pair competition, where all of the participants[…]
My photogenic mom chapter 1
1 Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest[…]
Seduced, turned and dominated
I'm 27 years old and had lead a straight life up until now. I'm considered good looking and have had great looking girlfriends throughout my life. My career, health and social life has all been[…]
He gets what he wants
Nicole was sitting in darrens BMW, she had been out celebrating his birthday but had drunk way too much. Her long blonde hair, blue eyes, slim figure and d cup breasts were starting to get[…]
My life – i learn from my aunty
I can’t really remember when I got my first erection – who can? However I remember when I was about 13 that I used to slip off my pyjama trousers in bed and I found[…]
Tori and ecstasy
I met some friends at a party that was at a friends of a friends, or something like that. All i know was that i knew three people there. It was at an old house[…]
A night of seduction
God, work sucks, I'm pretty sure just about everyone would agree with me when I say work stresses me the hell out. As I drive home from work the only thing holding me together is[…]