Time Machine Part 1 “Chief O’Brien are you ready down there, ” Picard asks? “Yes Sir, I am all set here,“ O’Brien responds. “Number 1 you have the bridge, Data, Worf you are with me,”[…]
My secretary cathy
My Secretary Cathy is my lover in both the physical and emotional sense. Cathy loves almost everybody, especially those of us who salute her when she walks by. I have no other female lover. My[…]
Jerry's diner
Perky little tits and thighs that can strangle a man don't go as far as they used to and if I have to go back to waiting tables I think I will stab myself in[…]
El torero: chapter 1
I ground my foot into the faded welcome mat, scratching the cement porch with every pivot. The midday sun beat on the open back of my halter top, but I was sweating even before I[…]
The night my wife was a slut
My ex wife Lydia was 5 years older than me. But her experience was even beyond that. She lost her virginity, like me, at the age of 13. But unlike me she didn't pause after[…]
Threads: the island chapter 4
With the lightest of touches, her hands spread his knees apart, and her head darted between his legs, down low, almost under his balls, and he felt her nose touching the material of his trousers.[…]
I lost my virginity in a prostitutes mouth
It was in the early sixties and I had just turned sixteen and I was still a virgin. I had had a couple of girlfriends and we had played around some but I still had[…]
Without a reason
Without A Reason JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief,[…]
Spreading seeds chapter 3 – audrey
Spreading Seeds 3 – Audrey and the Clusterfuck I was distracted by the blond, Audrey she said her name was. Audrey and I left the pedestal and joined the group that was watching Floyd assist[…]
Window washer
NOTE: There is no category for periods, bleeding, or menstrual so I couldn’t warn you before this. If the idea turns you off go on to another story. Window Washer I was hired to power[…]
Full circle – chapter seven
Full Circle – Chapter Seven “Whatever it is you’re doing don’t fucking stop you’re driving me wild” she moaned loudly as her breath came is gasps. I couldn’t believe that she had slept through all[…]
Enslaved secretary 1
“I don’t see that you have much choice, Miss James,” Alex said, leaning back into the heavily-padded, monstrous swivel chair behind his desk. The chair was made of rich black leather and it’s back reached[…]
REUNION The following story is written by a dear friend of mine. I told him his story is amazing and he has a unique way of writing. I then ask if I can post it[…]
Sex&sexy.x2 part:2
She threw open the door…. are you doing here". Kevin looked at Shannon dressed in a small tank top and girl boxers and rolled his eyes "what are you doing here..this is my house" he[…]
Lords of the manor
It was late summer in the year 1769 and the streets were growing quiet in industrial downtown Landstown. A carriage rattled down the street, drawing a few curious faces to look out of the pane[…]
What vcr?
I have had my eye on Eric since he started tending bar at the restaurant I worked at. We’d had some casual conversations, but nothing that seemed to lead anywhere. It was frustrating as hell.[…]