Darker desires

It was 6:47 as I looked over at the alarm. The sun was starting to creep through the window, so like my usual self I pushed my face into the bed and pulled my satin[…]

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Girl with a secret

Copyright, 2012 Castlequeen My god, what a miserable experience. Senior Prom. A solid month of preparation, a two hundred dollar dress that will have me working for Mom all summer, a three hundred dollar pair[…]

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How i passed

Aaron Smith walked down the same hall he did every day. Girls and guys past him by and he judged each one. He thought about the fun times they were having and he was missing[…]

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Sex story

Donna called me early in the week to let me know she was having a swingers night on the following Friday .. you can bet I told her a very big YES when she asked[…]

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Train ride

In 1947 a train ride from New York to L.A. took 4 days. Millie planned on using the time enjoying the scenery and the new mystery novel she’d purchased in the train station before leaving.[…]

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