This is a fiction story but based on non fiction events. Although, I wish it was a non fiction!!;) It is also my first one, so please, positive comments It was mid last summer[…]
Cassie and me
My name is Peter, i'm 18 now and i've done alot in the past 8 months, most of which is in the story to follow. Enjoy. I had a less than average life for a[…]
The truth about nikki – pt8
The Truth About Nikki – pt8 – Back in the game. Note: I have changed the names of the men that I dated from the time that I moved to Seattle and thereafter. These diary[…]
Graduation Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I[…]
My dirty little secret (1 1/2)
Thanks for all the positive feedback from the last chapter, guys! As the title indicates, this is not a direct sequel to the last chapter, but more of a bridge between chapters 1 and 2.[…]
Trisha and her hot mom
Trisha and her hot mom Once in a while, you will see a girl that just shocks you with all the things you like about a girl. Whether you’re a guy or another girl. I[…]
My first time
My first real sex, that is with other than my right hand, was when I was seventeen. Though my sisters, cousin, and I had been masturbating together since before the previous Christmas, our activities hadn't[…]
My sexual autobiography – part – 37
MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY PART – 37 GETTING PREGNANT My dear friends! At the time of writing this part of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY, I am already mother of a cute baby boy. I become mother on[…]
Karen and michelle
Karen and Michelle’s Sad Story Part 1 Chapter 10 By Redlegtiger Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and[…]
Revenge, pt 15: the decision
Chapter 15 == I woke up to Jessica's voice softly calling my name. she said, her hand against my cheek. I sat up quickly, causing her to jump back in surprise. It was completely dark[…]
A beautiful wish
Prologue Beyond the Cliffs of Torment there was nothing. The sunset cast its dying glow on the seas, crashing against the black volcanic rocks of the cliffs. Large curtains of steam blasted off the[…]
Afternoon stretch
Bright sunlight was streaming in through almost worthless mini-blinds when I first realized I was awake. Painfully bright sunlight. I groaned and rolled over putting my back to the window, pulling a pillow over my[…]
Ltttle girl slut
I met my girl friend at a strip club she was the main attraction she called her self sissy, she was petite only 4'11 long blonde hair she would always wear in pig tails. she[…]
The horny dispatcher
Ted loved his job but he especially liked all the girls that worked where he worked. There were about a dozen young gals at the company. Most of them were just out of high school[…]
Jefferson high-ch.3: amber & jeanine
"Oh shit. Put on your clothes now!!"she said. I pulled up my pants while she put on her blouse. "Here. Take this." she handed me her bra. "Stay here and stand on the toilet. Stay[…]
Teeny popper.
Last week my neighbour’s daughter came over to my place to see me about something and saw me having sex with my girlfriend by the poolside. I was unaware of this at the time but[…]