Her name is Samantha she lives in new jersey so that should put the setting in place it’s a small town everyone knows each other one way or another. She’s got a pair of 32Bs[…]
Sonic the rapist
Sonic and Knuckles made sure that their guns were well hidden before entering Tails' house. Upon entering they were greeted by Mama Tails. "Oh hello sweeties! Thank you so much for taking care of my[…]
Breaking dawn white
Hello, just so you know this is my first ever story and I have spent a while getting it to this stage. The story isn’t finished, probably only half way, however as its now quite[…]
Merry christmas, baby
Back in the summer of 1980, I was a restless young man. I was a 19-year-old with a natural curiosity and a cocky attitude. The summer of 1980 was also the last summer I had[…]
Ski lodge fun
We had finished skiing for the day and were tired and cold and were looking forward to a cold beer at the base lodge. It was a dark wooded bar with a roaring fireplace. There[…]
The awakening of a slut: samantha
The Awakening of a Slut: Samantha Women like me love to be desired by men. They love to count how many men want them. They can have any man they want given the right place[…]
Siblings and lovers part 1
Prologue I glanced at the sky as my father unlocked the door, it was dark out but I guess that was to be expected we had been driving for 8 hours, I looked back and[…]
Catch up
We had agreed to meet up for a drink, and you were late. It had been years since I’d seen you and I was nervous. I wasn’t sure how I wanted this to go. I[…]
Diary of a slave merchant – 2008 (conclusion)
January 17th, 2008 9:41pm The contractor is going to start tomorrow. I told him I was finishing the garage to hold services in it for a small church I was starting with my family. I[…]
Kurt and victoria pt. 1
The first time I saw her at an all too kitschy 50s inspired burger joint I was taken aback by the warmth of her smile. As I placed my order I was mesmerized by her[…]
A good start to summer part ii
The sun spread over my naked body, making my skin warm. It quickly spread to my eyes and I was awoken, sprawled across bed and body; the body of Kyle. His legs were dangling over[…]
Short, sexy and sweet
Intro: A son has a thing for little people porn and it just so happens that his mother is a little person. This is a set up for something amazing, sorry if its too long[…]
Slippery when wet
I watched as Sarah showered herself on the deck of the boat the next morning and reflected on how the night before she surrendered herself to us. How her body pleasured us and how we[…]
Boy's first cock
This is my first story so please crateque but not to harshly. THis story is the first of many so tell me what u think so i can fix it in the next one.! I[…]
Suzy unleashed chapter 1
Suzy Unleashed Chapter 1 I’ve always had a fondness for women’s clothing, dating back to when I was a young boy. For most of my life, I kept that under control, but, as I got[…]
Maryland getaway ch. 2
This chapter was written by my muse to give the prospective of the daughter Lilly. She gave full permission for it to be posted for all to enjoy. I know that I did. If it[…]