The dog ballers

First things first. I did not right or have anything to do with the following story. I recently found a large quantity of some very high quality and original writings. proper credit is hereby given[…]

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Residing in the suburban area of a large city of the United States, Amy lived alone, working her way through college. Studying ancient history, the exquisite young lady wanted be an archeologist when her education[…]

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Laura, chapter 5

Laura, Chapter 5 (Chapter 3 introduced Richie, a schoolmate of Nikki's with a giant-sized cock. In Chapter 4 both Richie and Nikki fuck Nikki's under-age wife, Laura, Richie in her pussy while Nikki is in[…]

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Amber part 3

Amber Part 3 I take a long time to work into the sex, last part did not have as much plot, give constructive criticism and remember, this is not a just sex story. I opened[…]

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