Two of the guys grabbed my legs and pulled me to the end of the bed. They lifted my legs high exposing my ass for whoever wanted to take it. Variance took his position and[…]
Camp chapter one updated
Chapter one It was morning at camp, this camp was nothing like any camp anyone had ever been to, all the kids there were kids that were living rough, kids who had no parents, they[…]
Civil war reenactment
Fbailey story number 409 Civil War Reenactment When a friend at work tried to recruit me into his Civil War Reenactment Troop, I was intrigued but I wanted to check it out first. He told[…]
The forbidden fruit, part iv
We slept for about 20 minutes or so and I awoke to check on the time. My watch said it was 9:00, we still had 2 and a half hours left before my parents made[…]
First time with jenna
eI couldn’t wait for Jenna to come round that night, she’d been my friend for years and I’ve always enjoyed her company, even though she’s a little shyer in public than the rest of my[…]
In the library
In the Library? (An absolutely true story) In 1964, I was 17 and a freshman at Illinois Institute of Technology. I was not doing particularly well in my studies even though I had graduated top[…]
Alien sightings
Note to Readers: This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you[…]
The bad boy
I was in-between boy friends and getting a little lonely and a lot horny. Who should I run into but Kenny. Back in grade school I had a class mate Robert who lived down the[…]
The party's not over yet
THE PARTY'S NOT OVER YET Suzanne Riley went to the party at the Serlins with Joe Farrar. She had been dating him for two months, and she knew he had broken up with some woman[…]
Three chicks and a gun
Somewhere down in New Mexico I was on the run from the law in my stolen black Mustang. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and I was definitely in a desperate situation. I was on[…]
Impregnating sarah — part 2
Impregnating Sarah — Part 2 Sarah’s Early Experiences “My mother was adopted at birth. My grandparents, at least the only grandparents I have ever known, were unable to have children of their own. So, they[…]
The newly weds part 1
“Honey! I’m home!” Jessie almost immediately came down the staircase, looking as if she had rushed all the way from the upstairs study room since she still had her reading glasses on, and gave her[…]
Street whore chronicles: michele's story (part 2)
"Have you been fucked yet Girl?" Anthony asked Michele. "No Anthony, no bodies every fucked me. Nobody ever wanted to." She answered. "You telling me the truth girl?" "Yes Anthony, of course, like I said[…]
Model turns slut – 3
Model Turns Slut – Part 3 by NiteWriter Barbara sat back on the floor to catch her breath after the black pounding that just took place. Two more guys were unable to wait any longer[…]
Born to suck
Kate couldn't help it! She wanted to stop but something inside her wouldn't let her! Kate was from all appearances a normal eighteen year old junior in high school. Average looks, average grades, nice friends,[…]
The new girl
It all began at the freshmen party. I just entered 200 level and I attended the freshmen party for new students of the university. It was the same old thing that occurred last year. The[…]