Mixed metaphors xi

Mixed Metaphors XI The sun was just breaking the eastern horizon as the stretch limousine pulled up in front of the Davis residents. Tony and Becky had gone to bed early so they could pick[…]

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Subtle seduction

Alison Barnett, or Alley as her friends and family called her, entered the house after school one afternoon in a particularly grumpy mood. One of the girls at her high school was really getting on[…]

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Jessica Copyright © 2016 Jax_Teller By Jax_Teller I had seen Jessica at a mutual friends house for years but never had much contact until a year ago. We'd been friendly at a distance never having[…]

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Me and adam

It was a long Friday at school, and I was glad to finally be done. It would be good to have a weekend without tests and homework. As I boarded the bus, I thought about[…]

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Puppy slut

She decided, today was the day when she would go hunting. She took her time in getting ready as tonight, had to be just right in order for her to secure her prey. She showered,[…]

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