Teachers pet 2

The following day, I walked on clouds all day wrapped up in my dreams of what had happened the previous afternoon. When I walked into my last period English class, there were giggles from all[…]

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Open window

just another day, worked came home sat around played xbox… just the same shit everyday. its saturday night and im at home watchin internet porn. ive been so bored lately, i have a girlfriend but[…]

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Frantic hearts

My name is Gabriel I'm 18 and a senior in high school, I'm relatively tall at 6 foot and apparently good looking. I play varsity hockey in school so I have to stay pretty built,[…]

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Suzy's daydream

For those who haven’t been following my “coming out” thread, I’ve spent the last few months learning to accept and enjoy my love of crossdressing. During that time, I discovered that I absolutely love going[…]

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