Changing amy

Chapter 1 I didn’t know where I was or who I was with. Then it hit me. I was interrogated, raped, then now cuffed naked on a lonely table. What the fuck happened? One day[…]

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Wine bar

Wine Bar Since New York State is noted for it’s wineries and wine tours I thought that it might be a good idea to open a Wine Bar. All of the bars I knew about[…]

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Thp: jessie lisa and aron part-2

THP: JESSIE LISA AND ARON PART-2 2.01 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Mounting Frame Preparation: 2.02 Sara, Jessie, Canine, Frame Deepthroat: 2.03 Sara, Jessie, Canine, The Mounting: 2.04 Aron, Extractor and Enhancer: 2.05 Aron, Jessie, Mother and[…]

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A slut is born

Chelsea closed the door to her room. The smile on her face and the twinkle in her eye showed her excitement. She could not believe that Jason Brown, a senior, captain of the football team,[…]

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Charlotte stepped off the streetcar and onto the curb Friday morning. She inhaled deeply as she stood on the sidewalk. It was just the start of the day, yet the air was already warm. The[…]

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At your own risk

My previous attempts at long stories have taught me something: write it all before you post any of it. So this is pretty long. Hope you enjoy. ********* "Mmmmm, I've been looking forward to this."[…]

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Marissa's mind

Marissa always got her way, with everything. School, home, boys, Melissa's boys- you name it, she probably had it. The girls were twins. Marissa was born differently though. She had the power to control minds,[…]

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Carolyn s.

As time went on I could see that my erotic massage clientele was building. I didn't want my massages to become ho-hum boring, so I decided that next time I order supplies I would add[…]

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