Crack in the wall

The phone in Brian's dorm room rang three times before he picked it up the receiver and said, "Hello, who is it please!" "Oh, hi, Mitch, sure, okay, in fifteen minutes, good, meet you there!!!"[…]

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Intro: Somethings just can not be explained. /> Fantasy… Swift, silent, A thief in the night, Without warning, you came and it was gone. A smile from across the room, And a bad day, brightens[…]

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Taboo girl

Fuck, fuck, fuck a duck, screw a kangaroo. It seems you had a lot of fun this weekend at the Zoo. You’re a little freaky, I never would of guessed. Sooo…when you sit at home[…]

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Horny mom

When David was 18 he lost his father. His mother, Heather, was devastated. The plans that were made were scrapped. He felt that he couldn't leave home when she needed him so much. Her son[…]

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When I walked in on my loving husband with another woman I knew what I had to do. He sat completely still while she covered herself with my favorite black sheets, I quickly dropped my[…]

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Return encounter

Return Encounter This is actually sort of true. I actually once knew a biology major with an oriental girlfriend who separated from her for a while because he entered a distant study program, and years[…]

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Camp site orgy

The following story is a work of fiction. Being a work of fiction all concerns regarding disease and pregnancy are unnecessary. This storyline was suggested to me by a fan and I hope that I[…]

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Weekend in la

Its been a while since the cocktail party in LA. Heather and I have stayed in touch by phone, she has been asking when she would see me again. I'm busy with work and Heather[…]

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Face fucked

This is a story from an experience I had, hope you guys enjoy and comment. I used to post ads online looking for older men that i could dress up for and they could fuck[…]

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