
I looked at my wife Lin as she turned away from the sink, the last piece of crockery washed, dried and ready to put away. At 52 years of age she still looked good, indeed,[…]

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Escape for passion

Part 8 Chapter 8A After a quick shower and a few eats, the trio once again found themselves in the playroom downstairs dancing to slow music and getting each other horny again. Kim Lin was[…]

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Janet in training 06

Part One: Switch When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more[…]

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Snow angel

The most annoying sound he could think of woke him from a sound sleep. The alarm siren on Martin’s phone told him it was Saturday and he had to get up for work. It’s a[…]

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Again with jack,

Once again with Jack After my last experience when I slept with Donny and Jack’s three other friends…I wasn’t sure if I ever wanted to be with another woman. When I got back home to[…]

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Away from the home

This is a true story; all that has been changed is the names of everyone involved to protect their identities /> “Going anywhere nice this month Mr. Tunny?” the nurse asked as she watched Harold[…]

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English teacher

“Christ, I can’t do this. There is no way I can walk into the building today,” Jodi whispered to herself. Going into the school this morning would be the end of a long night, or[…]

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“Dang, B, I ain’t fittin’ ta be meetin’ no females off no party line!” shouted Erin over the stereo that spilled out the sounds of the rapper Jay-Z. Erin was visiting her cousin Berri in[…]

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Mary (1)

This is the sequel to end of school party' and 'After Ellie's end of school party (1)' and 'After Ellie's end of school party (2)'. Wendy and I were very happy living together. Even though[…]

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Sex with the ex

I was with my ex-wife for 15 years before we separated. We didn't get divorced for 3 years, but were never bothered about the other going out or having a relationship. We had a rocky[…]

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