All for love

My husband and I have been married for several years. It's been a challenge finding new and exciting ways to keep the passion alive in the bedroom. One day, a friend and I came home[…]

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Afternoon stretch

Bright sunlight was streaming in through almost worthless mini-blinds when I first realized I was awake. Painfully bright sunlight. I groaned and rolled over putting my back to the window, pulling a pillow over my[…]

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Ronnie 3 and 4

Chapter Three It was mid afternoon and light was streaming into the condo. I heard giggling coming from the bedroom. I recognized one of the voices as Isabella’s, but didn’t know the other feminine laugh.[…]

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"I would like to propose a toast," Dean Litton announced, "here's to everyone who made last year one of the best in the history of our company, without all of you, none of this would[…]

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My internet love

He sat there looking at her beautiful body in the moonlight she looked more attractive to him now than she had ever looked in the two years they had secretly been meeting. Graham took her[…]

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You have email

Computers and the Internet certainly have changed our world in the past 15-20 years. BY OLDPRO Our first computer was an Apple IIE and with the first modems you could talk in various chat rooms[…]

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The nieghbor

THE NEIGHBOR I recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however my friends keep telling me I need to start enjoying life a little.[…]

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Asha and oliver

"What kind of music do you like?" "Who is your favourite author?" "Remember that time when me and Ariel sang that acoustic set at the monk?" "What's the first thing you think about in the[…]

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