More cousin judy

At the breakfast table, cousin Judy sat with her bowl of cereal eating away, not paying me any attention while I sat to her right, reading the newspaper and having a bowl of Cheerios myself.[…]

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The firm

Daniel Goddard turned to the last page of the contract and studied it briefly, then turned back to the front page. He noted each yellow sticky pad note and compared the notations to the paragraphs[…]

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Jessica Copyright © 2016 Jax_Teller By Jax_Teller I had seen Jessica at a mutual friends house for years but never had much contact until a year ago. We'd been friendly at a distance never having[…]

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Marie's childhood

Marie was 10 when she first met Buddy, a young golden retriever, at the pet store. Even though her mom, Kristen, was reluctant, she allowed Marie to buy her. As soon as the car parked[…]

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Computer consultant

From Tue Feb 11 09:58:01 1997 /> *** This Story is brought to you with the *** *** blessings of BBS (330)726-2620 *** *** Internet Address or RNE.COM *** *** WE HAVE OVER[…]

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The divide

what would you do if eveyrthing you thought you knew about your life turned out to be a lie if the people you love the world you love shatterd like a mirror in front of[…]

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The surrogate

It was driving Julie Morgan crazy! She couldn't seem to have an orgasm without first imagining herself being viciously raped by an unknown attacker. She had read all the books on female arousal, and even[…]

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