Diy teens ptiii

DIY Teens Pt II After a couple of weeks of sneaking around we would go to Gary’s house every Wednesday night and Saturday afternoon when his Mum was at the shops or Bingo and his[…]

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Sweetheart to sinner

This is originally my first time posting something for you guys; I accidentally posted this in forums and not, your know, stories. I do have personal stories, though, I don't think you are Ready for[…]

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Masters touch

She had caught my attention on a website I favored, a new face with a talent for writing that had me hard and throbbing by the end of the first paragraph. I sent her a[…]

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Desperation !!!

Donna Gilbert was desperate! Her husband of thirty eight years had suddenly passed away, leaving her not only lonely, but also extremely frustrated! Mike had not only been a fine provider, but he also made[…]

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Xmas fun

It is Sunday 24th of December. You are going for a few drinks with the girls from your work. You tell me you will come to my place after you have been out. three of[…]

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Jerry's mom

Up until this summer, Jerry and I were best friends. Some of our friends figure that we got into a fight. But me, Jerry, and his mom are the only ones that know what truly[…]

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