Part 12 Our weekend passed rather quickly because the kids had one sport or another the whole damn time. We didn’t go out on either Friday or Saturday night, which was the standard routine for[…]
Memories of a deviant ch. 2: coming to terms
As I stated at the end of the previous chapter, it was almost six years before I saw Tiffany again, and I spent most of the intervening years involved in a string of short relationships[…]
A halloween night encounter
I would like to relate the story of one of the best Halloween nights I had ever experienced. It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a[…]
Daddy please
Dear Daddy: Please don't be mad at me. I know how you love me and treasure me, your Lovely Lady Laura. I tried to do my best for you. I tried to make you proud[…]
A multiple screw
My GF and I had just booked into a lodge for the evening and feeling rather tired after a long journey; we resorted to our usual shower and relaxation time. I say usual ‘cause whenever[…]
Guy whose wife slept with tiger woods
A couple was on their honeymoon, lying in bed, about ready to consummate their marriage, when the new bride says to the husband, "I have a confession to make, I'm not a virgin." The husband[…]
The cinema
“I have to go to the bathroom before we leave.” I told my (somewhat) boyfriend. He was looking like he was ready to leave without me, but I had to do this before we went.[…]
Hunt at the club
“I don't really care where you live at,” the feminine voice echoed in my head. “Just turn around boy and let me hit that,” thumped and pounded, into my body. ”Don't be a little bitch[…]
The first ride along part 3
i hope you enjoy the story please leave me comments good or bad, i enjoy reading them thanks for reading Two weeks had passed and it was the night Aden was riding again I was[…]
Whisper a story
__My daddy had always read me a bedtime story before bed. Mom had always gone to bed early and it became ‘my time’ with my daddy. As I grew up I found a hot love[…]
Gaining inspiration
You come out from the darker backstage area through a curtain, the stage lights is blinding and you start to wonder what you're doing here, you know that you trained hard for this, but the[…]
Doggie fashion
It has been studied and determined that the most often used Sexual position for married couples is the doggie position. The husband sits up and begs… And the wife rolls over and plays dead. story[…]
The game
"What the fuck is this?" A screeching voice came from the door. At the foot of the bed stood a woman around her mid-forties. The look on her face was that of shock and disbelief.[…]
Lonely sister-in-law
The day started like any other, I woke up around 6:00 am, took my shower and went to work. About 8:30 my cell phone rang, it was my sister-in-law Debbie. She was working on some[…]
Female stowaway
A young woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean. She went down to the docks and was about to leap into the frigid water when[…]
My friend's dad 14
We were both very stunned to say the absolute very least, then we very slowly closed the door and started whispering. "Was your daughter just fucking my mom?" I asked. "Yes, holy shit," John replied[…]