Sensuous love

A kiss, and yet so much more Begins our love down on the floor A touch a caress and warm soft hug And kiss lower, hair gentle hard tug Souls energy raised Glassy eyed daze[…]

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What vcr?

I have had my eye on Eric since he started tending bar at the restaurant I worked at. We’d had some casual conversations, but nothing that seemed to lead anywhere. It was frustrating as hell.[…]

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Earning a living

This isn’t meant to sound vain or arrogant but I’m sexy and very pretty and look a bit like the singer Katy Perry. I’ve been popular with guys since my boobs first developed just after[…]

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The lovers part 2

I hope you all like the second part of my story. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. Julie spent the following hour tending to Rachel’s beautiful, but bruised, body, gently rubbing soothing baby oils[…]

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A night of change

Her transformation was nearly complete. Claire remained unconscious as the molecules in her body rearranged themselves, changing her very DNA. Outwardly, the changes were subtle, but hours from now, when she awoke, she would feel[…]

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Never forget part 2

Chapter Two Mr. Forester paced in front of the class as Kyle fought sleep. This class always bored him. “For your assignment, I want you to pick one of the writings of Shakespeare and write[…]

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Mom at the roxy

I leaned back in my theater seat as the woman gently maneuvered my cock through my open fly. Through my half-closed eyes, I watched as she formed her thumb and forefinger into a circle and[…]

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The hitchhiker

Mason Barnes squinted through his mud-streak, rain-soaked windshield. Despite the brutal rain and slushy falling snow, he could just make out the Panhandle Truckstop sign up ahead. For late winter in northern Texas, it sure[…]

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The plan-2

As Roger pulled away from the motel later that morning, his mind was already working on his next encounter with Maria. He wondered just how far she really would go with him before balking at[…]

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