Chapter One: The dream Rath's eyes scanned the room before him slowly taking in the sight. He couldn't quite recall how he got to this room, or even why he had come here, but he[…]
Hot apple pie
I had just gotten home from working a double shift at work for the weekend. I was walking into the garage with my stuff from work. As I was about to go into the house,[…]
Starting over chapter 4
Starting Over – Chapter Four Judy Introduces Jack to Her Club Prologue This is the fourth chapter about the sexual rebirth of Jack a senior citizen who learns it’s OK to enjoy sex again after[…]
Return to new york from paris
After arriving in New York, Mina is dropped off at the Ritz Carlton to unpack, relax and get ready for dinner later. I go to my office to business meetings for most of the day.[…]
Tom's summer adventures – part 2
TOM'S SUMMER ADVENTURES – PART 2 (by SloBoy) Disclaimer: This story is fictional and it involves sexual actions between teenage boys. If you find stories of this kind inappropriate and/or you are not old enough[…]
Party girl
You’re laying in bed one night when you feel the vibrations of your phone, a message from your friend shines in your face reading. “Hey, there is this party! Wanna come?” You reply saying sure[…]
Sarah's a bad girl
Sarah’s a Bad Girl Chapter 1 Right across the street in my subdivision lives a mid forties woman by the name of Sarah. Her husband Gary, looks to be quite older, maybe in his late[…]
My first beating
I had been trying all morning to get on the internet, but my computer kept ending the connection. So, I unplugged my computer and went down to Best Buy. I was wearing a low-cut red[…]
My name is Dani. I'm about 5 feet 3 inches, 126 pounds. I have long blonde hair with pink and purple streak/highlight things and darker blue eyes. Literally, my eyes look like they were photoshopped.[…]
The story is clearly of a nature please don't read on if your into that. Chapter 1 Jazz stood naked in the middle of her bedroom floor, the thick grey carpet feeling lush beneath her[…]
I found my sister stripping
A pounding noise reverberates through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, wondering who might be at the door, I realized that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and[…]
A ride with the teacher pt 2
It had seemed like a long day at school, but all the way through it I had the though of Mrs Garland's wet pussy wrapped around my cock. I passed her at break time and[…]
A good time at gym class
This is my first story and i have to admit i dont have good punctiation but my grammer is correct and spelling this is one of my fantasys in life but always to scared to[…]
Missing mom
Please Rate and comment Jolene walked down the quiet road, thankful for some quiet time on her own. The day would be warm but the morning was cool with a bright blue sky. She was[…]
My daughter's story
When my daughter was a little girl she got hit by a car and even though she can use her hands and arms, she can’t use them fully so she’s sitting her next to me[…]
Innocent alice
The polished dancefloors reflected the images of the thrashing teens, a mess of organized flailing limbs and phermones. The overpowering aroma of aftershave, perfume, sweat and alcohol hung thick in the air. Brightly coloured neon[…]