Hot apple pie

I had just gotten home from working a double shift at work for the weekend. I was walking into the garage with my stuff from work. As I was about to go into the house,[…]

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Party girl

You’re laying in bed one night when you feel the vibrations of your phone, a message from your friend shines in your face reading. “Hey, there is this party! Wanna come?” You reply saying sure[…]

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Sarah's a bad girl

Sarah’s a Bad Girl Chapter 1 Right across the street in my subdivision lives a mid forties woman by the name of Sarah. Her husband Gary, looks to be quite older, maybe in his late[…]

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My name is Dani. I'm about 5 feet 3 inches, 126 pounds. I have long blonde hair with pink and purple streak/highlight things and darker blue eyes. Literally, my eyes look like they were photoshopped.[…]

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The story is clearly of a nature please don't read on if your into that. Chapter 1 Jazz stood naked in the middle of her bedroom floor, the thick grey carpet feeling lush beneath her[…]

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Missing mom

Please Rate and comment Jolene walked down the quiet road, thankful for some quiet time on her own. The day would be warm but the morning was cool with a bright blue sky. She was[…]

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Innocent alice

The polished dancefloors reflected the images of the thrashing teens, a mess of organized flailing limbs and phermones. The overpowering aroma of aftershave, perfume, sweat and alcohol hung thick in the air. Brightly coloured neon[…]

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