New husbend

The minister dies and the congregation decides, after some time, that his widow, should marry again. Since it is a small village the only available candidate is the local butcher. Although very reluctantly, since she[…]

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1 pussy, 1 cock

"That was fun," Kendra said to Dave. Dave, standing behind her, reached up her shirt and squeezed. "I couldn't wait for them to leave. I haven't seen you in a week, and neither has my[…]

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Karen's story-5

She was lying on the bed, her legs spread wide, so I could see her pussy clearly. She had a big dildo in her hands. I recognized the dildo: it was her sister's. She smiled[…]

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The tease

Grace loved teasing boys. It was her favourite thing to do. It was better than sex; at least, she hypothesised. She'd been careful not to lose her virginity – but oh, she had been tempted,[…]

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It all happened because of an E-mail that Ellen received. Everybody's heard of people that send porno pictures in e-mails to everybody they can think of? When Ellen, a 28 year old private teacher who[…]

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Dr. demon vampire

there i was, on the operating table. my heart is slowing down… I think im going to die… i started shedding tears. Do something. Dr. i think your big fat cock will make me feel[…]

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