Test run

Who is Zach Drayton: He is an 18 year old guy who is enjoying the summer after his graduation from Derby High School. He is in good shape, he's very good looking, yet he has[…]

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Perchance to dom ch. 2

Chapter 2 Grandpop and I were playing a cooperative RPG on the living room's game console. We'd never done that before. A suspicious thought occurred to me. Had mother told her father about Cheryl and[…]

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His girlfriend's mom

Sandra locked the bathroom door as the chime of the door bell filled the house. Stripping her nightie off looking at her sweet milky skin in the mirror, her perky breasts with round pink nipples[…]

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Susie and me

When I was born my parents decided I couldn’t stay with them, so a nice middle-aged couple adopted me. I’d always known that I was adopted; it had never been kept from me. What had[…]

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Call in sick

Bob calls in to his job: "Hey, boss I'm not coming to work today. I'm really sick. I got a headache, stomach ache, and my legs hurt, so I'm not coming into work." The boss[…]

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Finally they meet

Mike's heart was beating real fast as he was turning into the coffee shop parking lot. Through the streaky windshield from the light rain he spotted the smal blue car with a person inside. You[…]

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