Halloween teen

I’ve never been a big fan of horror movies. It’s not that I scare easily, but they just don’t do much for me. I will say, though, that the scariest movie I ever saw when[…]

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Just one girl…..

Just one girl….. She sat at her computer, in the corner of the lounge, as she often did during her spare time. Just for once she’d disconnected the internet, and she was typing away at[…]

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The photographer

"You do understand the nature of the photographs we'll be shooting," Carl asked, "I just want to get everything out in the open so that later on we don't have a problem!?!" "I understand," the[…]

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"the date

The Date By Blueheatt ….. Strangers would just think it was a guy and a girl on a date. We would go far away where no one knew us. No one but us would know[…]

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Luck and love: xii

Facing his father, Michael nearly fainted. He felt his vision start to go black and fought it. He lost for a moment, but he remembered to breath as his father patted the chair next to[…]

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