April's Friendly Family, Part 1 When I was a child I spent a lot of time with my cousin, Donnie, who was almost the same age as I was. We were born within a month[…]
Mum and aunt made me cum… with there feet
Mum And Aunt Made Me Cum… With There Feet Part 3 of Made Me Cum Series /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> /> />[…]
Halloween teen
I’ve never been a big fan of horror movies. It’s not that I scare easily, but they just don’t do much for me. I will say, though, that the scariest movie I ever saw when[…]
Special delivery
First time posting, please be gentle. /> Dan was glad the boss was out today. That meant he could do what ever he wanted as long as he took care of customers. It had been[…]
Dilemma 8 doing it hard at home.
Well your aware of my injury, from that dastardly husband of Mary's. I had time off work from that assault, so naturally, I receive phone calls asking about my health from friends and family. One[…]
Just one girl…..
Just one girl….. She sat at her computer, in the corner of the lounge, as she often did during her spare time. Just for once she’d disconnected the internet, and she was typing away at[…]
Three is not a crowd (part 2)
At the weekend I received another message from Sarah asking me to come swimming at a leisure centre about 20 miles out of town, I agreed remembering the place had an excellent spa with saunas[…]
You should let me love you
They are lying in bed together. She is just wearing her knickers; he just got out of the shower and has a towel wrapped around him. They are next to each other, both on their[…]
Vip chauffeur chapter 4 part 1
VIP Chauffeur 4 Mr K called my cell early in the morning asking me if I had time to talk. I responded sure, whats up. I have a new assignment and before I call in[…]
The creators chapter 2 (rewrite)
Authors note (PLEASE READ): this is one of the first stories I have ever written so please excuse me if my grammar is not up to par with most authors. I will continue to work[…]
When i became a woman — chap. 6 — cassy-school continues
WHEN I BECAME A WOMAN – Chap. 6 – CASSY-SCHOOL CONTINUES Over the next week, Cassy found herself with questions, anticipating another round of Daddy and Mommy’s education. She stood in front of the full-length[…]
Sex Addiction and Masturbation Story
‘I also masturbate once or twice a day. I feel its normal for me. But my girlfriends don’t seem to think so. They all smile at first, but after a while they think it’s too[…]
The photographer
"You do understand the nature of the photographs we'll be shooting," Carl asked, "I just want to get everything out in the open so that later on we don't have a problem!?!" "I understand," the[…]
New neighborhood new men
Looked myself in the mirror. jock just graduated college trying to get a hold of myself. Left my boyfriend to seek a job in this new town. It was just before summer when the weather[…]
"the date
The Date By Blueheatt ….. Strangers would just think it was a guy and a girl on a date. We would go far away where no one knew us. No one but us would know[…]
Luck and love: xii
Facing his father, Michael nearly fainted. He felt his vision start to go black and fought it. He lost for a moment, but he remembered to breath as his father patted the chair next to[…]