Now that he was a teenager, Tom was becoming more aware of the beauties of the opposite sex. He had been having erections and wet dreams for some time now and had found out, what[…]
Creature of the night
The first time I knelt for him felt like it was a new day I felt the freedom I had been looking for.Iv always known I was ment to serve iv always known my place[…]
How i lost my virginity to an older boy
When I was younger I used to have low self-esteem. I was a little over weight; not alot, maybe 10-15lbs more than I should be. I used to think no one would ever want to[…]
Jim and jody part 2
From the night he found out that she was a tgirl, Jim and Jody’s relationship continued to grow. She unofficially moved in, which his roommates were cool with, because Jody was hot—they just didn’t know[…]
There was no other way
I don't believe I have chosen to share this with anyone especially here on the internet! This took place about a week ago and finally I decided I needed to tell someone though. Last Friday[…]
Aspiring model a nswers job ad
"You don't have to please me sexually, Amberly," the smirking CEO told the voluptuous young blonde who was sitting in the hard wooden chair in front of my desk. "But, if you don't, forget about[…]
Vampire love
Max walks into Celine's room closes and bolts the door locked. She was bent over the bed packing up her things when she felt a hand firmly grab her ass. "Put it down Celine." She[…]
Wrong night to be out-part 1
I had no idea what a strange town it would turn out to be. I'd only lived there a few months, just out of college, and looking for a quiet place to live near my[…]
She said, he said
She She knelt in a large open space. She knelt in darkness, the black silk hood barring even the tiniest sliver of light from her eyes. She could sense that there were people nearby, but[…]
New husbend
The minister dies and the congregation decides, after some time, that his widow, should marry again. Since it is a small village the only available candidate is the local butcher. Although very reluctantly, since she[…]
Megan's sleepover
Megan’s Sleep Over. Part One: Cable outage He watched through the first floor window as she dialed the number on the back of the cable box and smiled to himself. This is going to be[…]
Sparks fly
My girlfriend Julie and I had been trying to have a threesome with Mary for some time. I had spoken with both of them several times each and they said they were up for it.[…]
Out with the girls….
It all began with the usual inter-office flirtation. And it grew, as attraction is prone to do. When something, or someone is taboo, it is a slow delicious ache, needing fulfillment. We had an on[…]
Office encounter
“Damn it.” Kaylee looked at the figures before her for at least the 10th time silently begging them to add up. She hated numbers. They never came together right for her. It was so infuriating.[…]
My first time
This is my true experience about sexual discovery. When I was about 13, I was just getting into looking at some Playboys that some friends of mine had gotten from their older brothers. I was[…]
Jade's 'to go' request
The comment section has been restricted to members only due to too many spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to sigh-in and comment or PM your comments to me. Jade’s ‘To Go’ Request Jade[…]