My First Encounter With Gay Sex by Sissyboytom This is my first time writing a story. This story takes place back in the mid nineties when I was 13 years old. I would appreciate any[…]
Sex joke
Q. Did you hear about the two gay guys that had an argument in the bar? A. They went outside to exchange blows. story by: Crude Guy
Playtime – chap. iii – the new toy
PLAYTIME – Chap. III – The New Toy Kelly woke up horny on Sunday morning, wearing her night attire — skimpy white panties and a sheer teddy tied in the front. Her fingers idled below[…]
My life part 5 a
Part 5 of ? I awoke with the Smell of something delicious in the air. Kelly was still asleep next to me. I got up and got dressed. I wondered around still a sore from[…]
The adventures of sean episode 1. re-uploaded.
It was a normal day for Dr Rogers, she checked up on all her patients, caught up on her paper work, nothing unusual. That is, until 3:00 when one of the nurses handed her a[…]
The new guy chapt. 1
The New Guy. When I was younger, my friends always made fun of me. They always teased me; telling me I’m gay and that I will never get a girlfriend. Boy, were they wrong. I’m[…]
Her fantasy.
All names have been changed. Hope you enjoy the first part of fantasy. It never seemed possible for me to love two people at the same time. There was Charles, the guy who had my[…]
My fantastic first time
I remember everything perfectly. It was the day after my birthday in June. School had finished a week ago. My sister is cool. Her name is Krystal. She was beautiful. Nice boobs, nice ass, nothing[…]
Janet the stripper
Before I begin my story I will give you some background. The following is a true story that happened to me in 1971. I have changed the names of the involved persons for obvious reasons.[…]
My story – chapter two
CHAPTER TWO – The Arrival “Finally. I stated to Jay as the plane left the runway. Taking his hand, I glanced around and not seeing anyone looking, I stuck it between my legs and rubbed[…]
Discovery of a new desire
I was about 15 at the time, and I went over to my friend's house to spend the night. My friend James (( I will leae his real name secret )) came up to me[…]
An old flame
This is my first time posting on here,so I am feeling somewhat nervous about the kind of reception I may get. My story as yet is unfinished but I thought I would post this first[…]
Time off
The young intern sat by himself in one corner of the coffee shop. He had learned about medicine, but more importantly, he had learned something about life. “You look like shit, Ben.” He continued with[…]
Suzy unleashed chapter 6
I woke up on Sunday with Kathy’s words from the night before echoing endlessly in my head. It was now beginning to sink in that I was actually going to spend an entire week as[…]
The maintenance man 9
The Maintenance Man 9 /> Nissie and Sam were physical wrecks, Nissie had already been through this before with the attacks, explosions, threats and general terror. Sam had just gotten her brother back after years[…]
Doing summer work around the neighborhood
It was the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. My parents told me that if I worked hard they would match what I earned so that I could buy my first[…]