My name is Ashley. I never thought I had it in me to become an escort but sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do to succeed in life. Even selling,[…]
What's a little sex among friends? part 3
Please comment guys and gals. I do appreciate them and they will help out on future stories. Enjoy. After we both got up and took our separate showers we headed out to the new arcade[…]
Me & rachael
.this is my first sex story!!!Hope you guys like it I came to know Rachael through facebook.We had so many similiar interests that we hit it off instantly.As time passed our bond grew stronger and[…]
The morning after the night before
FAMILY GUY PT3 The morning after the night before. Peter fucked his daughter Meg faster and faster as he knew he was also getting close to coming. His daughter wrapped her legs tightly around her[…]
The succubae seduction 2: the twins, chapter 7
An old frienemy appears, and Shlee gets the scoop of a lifetime. Too bad someone is still hell-bent on killing the President. = = = = = = = = = = = = =[…]
The teacher
I was sitting in my 6th period English Class when I noticed my teacher who was tall blonde about a D cup and was wearing navy blue pantyhose and a short skirt. Every time she[…]
The weekend 3
I'm having a nice productive day at work. Numbers and facts are just so black & white and I find it calming. I turn in my chair and pull a report from my messenger bag,[…]
The milking wheel
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to[…]
Lesbian night pt 1
Maggie had been deserted, dumped and left high and dry. Her recent split from her marriage of 5 years had left her in the middle of nowhere in life. She had left her job after[…]
Me and my cousin sam
There she was… my cousin sam she was so beutiful and i couldn't help stare at her even though she was my cousin. Almost every night i would masturbate to her. My friends would say[…]
The way i dreamed it part 2 chapter 19
Kishimoto is da man and owner of the Naruto series. Read then Review Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by /> /> The Way I Dreamed It Part 2 Chapter 19 Naruto continued to[…]
Virgin fantasy arrives
This is a true encounter of which I was totally amazed that it happened the way it did.I am someone who would only cross the line in my marriage when the opportunity presents it's self[…]
Bar night fun
Zeta was my girlfriend. Right now she was sitting opposite me in the bar where we met up with friends nearly every Friday night. The chat was the usual light-hearted banter – anecdotes from the[…]
Don't be afraid
Bang! I jumped at the sound of a slamming door. I saw my twin sister Danielle standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. I fell to my knees as I realized that Daddy[…]
Learning to be a slut
Learning to be a slut: "We expect your complete surrender and submission. You have agreed to become a sex slave and you remain one until we release you. For the duration of your time here[…]
My daughter nicole
My Daughter Nicole Nicole asked, “Daddy! Why is there a naked lady in your bedroom? There’s no hair on her vagina!” All that went through my mind was, “Oh shit!” Fortunately I did not say[…]