Silver lining

I am a firm believer that through any disaster, man made or natural, there is always a small sparkle of something positive. I had left two weeks prior to the recent disaster that hit America[…]

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Son's girlfriend

Anne is my son Luke's college girlfriend. Luke and Heather flew to Dallas on Thanksgiving break from college, Luke thought I was still out of town. They settled into my condo for the week. The[…]

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Santa iv

John emerged from the opening this time at a leisurely walk. Stopping a moment he looked out past the blurriness of the edge of the time bubble they were all in. Well he thought so[…]

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Love your neighbour

Charlie adjusted his outside microphones. Their main purpose was to pick up bird song from his back yard but they were sensitive enough to hear whatever was going on in his young neighbour’s bedroom. Not[…]

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Trailer trash teen ch. 9

************* Chapter Nine: Tina on Her Knees (M/f, M+/f, drugs, oral, petting) ************* Tina Carlson was sitting in the corner of the room, her knees pulled up to her chest. Through blurry eyes she stared[…]

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