The dancer

The screaming, yelling, and clapping of two hundred crazed women, combined with the relentless beat of a hard rock CD, never failed to get Rolando whipped into a frenzy before he hit the stage! Dressed[…]

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Danger close

I was young at 23, but Laura was only 18. We were in Germany, at her house, watching the Super Bowl. When you are in the military and stationed in Central Europe the Super Bowl[…]

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Graduation Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I[…]

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A rainy day

The steady trickle of rain could be both seen and heard around us. The large picture windows of the apartment made it difficult for us to escape the gloomy, overcast skies around us. I sat[…]

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Doggy style variations

Two buddies were sharing drinks while discussing their wives. "Do you and your wife ever do it doggie style?" asked the one. "Well, not exactly." his friend replied, "she's more into the trick dog aspect[…]

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