Trendy dad

A father was very anxious to marry off his daughter so he wanted tried impress her first date. "Do you like to screw?" he asks. "Huh?!" replied the surprised young man. "My daughter, she loves[…]

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Lessons learned

"Come on in, Krista," Mrs. Cox said easily, "Tommy isn't home yet, but he should be here any minute now, can I get you something to drink!?!" "Uh, no thanks, Mrs. Cox, I'm fine, I[…]

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Office fun

As a security services company we monitor and maintain computer security for several large companies, employing state of the art remote computer access software. Over the last 7 years I have been working the grave[…]

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Pushing master

Megan walked back down the hall, waiting was driving her nuts. She had done it, she had pissed her Master off and now he was making her pay. She had once told him that she[…]

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Puppy slut

She decided, today was the day when she would go hunting. She took her time in getting ready as tonight, had to be just right in order for her to secure her prey. She showered,[…]

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