Daniel Metcalf was a sombre man. He had brought his family to see the eminent Doctor Croft and now sat in his office whilst his wife and two children waited patiently in the visitor's room[…]
An anal retentive couple tries anal
Author’s note/What to expect: This story is in the HUMOR category, intended (whether successfully or not) to be funny. It's full of sex too, with anal sex as the main storyline, plus both spouses having[…]
Forbidden furry love part 3, julia joins in
Forbidden Furry Love Part 3 Julia joins in on fun and games So, there she was Julia, Caitys best friend who I hooked up with in a drunken stupor at the schools senior spring dance[…]
The innocent samantha
Prelude, Well this is my first story and I made it pretty quickly but I think it is worthy enough to survive. If it turns out liked I will make a sequel. This story is[…]
Great way to start the weekend
Hey, I am a first time writer. Thank you very much for reading my story and I would appreciate any and all comments or criticisms. I plan on writing a follow up to this story[…]
Trendy dad
A father was very anxious to marry off his daughter so he wanted tried impress her first date. "Do you like to screw?" he asks. "Huh?!" replied the surprised young man. "My daughter, she loves[…]
Lessons learned
"Come on in, Krista," Mrs. Cox said easily, "Tommy isn't home yet, but he should be here any minute now, can I get you something to drink!?!" "Uh, no thanks, Mrs. Cox, I'm fine, I[…]
Family ties (7&8)
Steph announced that she was tired and was gonna head to bed. I thought about trying to convice her to stay with us, but I decided to just let her do her own thing. She'd[…]
An unexpected situation
Young Adaline always acted mature for her age. She always appeared older than she actually was. She was an only child, the apple of her father's eye, and could do no wrong. Incredibly smart and[…]
My daughter was a slut
I always considered myself to have a pretty good life until a few months ago. I was married to the woman I loved whose name was Sarah. She had auburn hair and a pretty face.[…]
Office fun
As a security services company we monitor and maintain computer security for several large companies, employing state of the art remote computer access software. Over the last 7 years I have been working the grave[…]
Darlington high- part 1
Cindy is a quiet, innocent white 15 year old girl from Sun City West, Arizona. She's 5 feet 6 inches with small titties and a round ass. Her dad, William, recently died in a car[…]
My boyfriend likes to expose me. part 19
My Boyfriend likes to expose me or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 19 – Ryan exposes me some more /> I become a boy /> Ryan came[…]
It runs in the family
The woman of my family are big. Not big like fat, big as in tall with big thighs, big hips, big butts and giant tits. And they were all going to be meeting in one[…]
Pushing master
Megan walked back down the hall, waiting was driving her nuts. She had done it, she had pissed her Master off and now he was making her pay. She had once told him that she[…]
Puppy slut
She decided, today was the day when she would go hunting. She took her time in getting ready as tonight, had to be just right in order for her to secure her prey. She showered,[…]