Soothing mysti (all parts)

DISCLAIMER: EVERY THING IN THIS STORY IS JUST THAT. A STORY. EVERYTHING IS MADE UP. FAKE. FICTICIOUS. If sexual relations between family members bothers you, read something else. If you don’t like it tough crap[…]

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At the playground

She showed up at the playground, when I first noticed her. My toddler daughter was playing on the structure with the ropes and slide and stuff right in the middle of the place and there[…]

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Wedding day

"Oh, mama, I can't believe this day has finally arrived," gushed Pamela Sherman, "can you believe it, Steve and I are getting married!!!" Victoria Sherman held her daughter at arms length, and at the same[…]

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Two unite as one

It starts with a look you caste my way, There are no words we need to say, I always know that certain look, We know each other like a book, Next you reach out with[…]

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