The CEO was waiting for his ordered shipment in the receiving area. The receiving area was one of the newest constructions. Over the years the compound had become quite large. Whenever the company realized that[…]
Wife’s boss sexual harassment
Wife’s boss sexual harassment For most of my wife’s life and most of our relationship, my wife Karen has had an undiagnosed medical condition that caused her to be promiscuous and to drink alcohol excessively,[…]
6 love dove love shove
11 FLY HIGH On the way home, Maria and Sonya couldn't stop talking with Jeff about his experience. Roberto, however, didn't say a word. Jeff says his goodbyes quickly, darting into the house. "Mom! I[…]
White pt i
Hello all! I'm new and also new to writing. this story is a rather lengthy work of fiction so hang with me if you can. I'll be the first to admit that I am no[…]
The suite sex life of zack and cody part one (revised and a shit load better.)
Zack and Cody Martin walked out to the pool located on top of the hotel they live in. Unfortunetly noone was there; But they stayed there anyway. "Where is everybody?" Cody said Zack said "Beats[…]
Csi: cunt scene investigations
Hello all, and allow me to introduce myself: my name is Agent Blake, team leader of the regional Crime Scene Investigation unit in Jackson County Florida. I am of African American descent: tall, sexy, dark,[…]
Will's new home: part 5
“Darby, I can’t say I’m proud of what yall did.” “I’m sorry, sir” /> The girl gulped. “The lord forgives, and as do I” “Thank you, sir, this time I promise I-” “Hold on now,[…]
My best mate dan
Chapter Four It was strange all week, at school, I desperately wanted to grab Dan and kiss her. The static between us was almost visible but we behaved. We were still best friends although I[…]
Brother's love- part 8- oh, hi, mom
PLEASE NOTE: Since English is not my native language, there might be some spelling or grammar errors in texts. I'm making sure to correct as much of the errors as I can. Thank you. …Few[…]
The way i dreamed it part 2 chapter 15
Kishimoto is da man and owner of the Naruto series. Now please READ . . . . . . Here’s the beginning to Part 2 Written by Dragon of the Underworld Revised by /> />[…]
Story of my unfortunate life – chapter 9 part 2
Sero felt like a killing machine on Lyoko. Aelita and Ulrich watched as Sero dashed through the air on his emerald-green wings, taking out the monstrous swarm of Hornets guarding the activated tower. "This is[…]
Going on vacation pt 5
In the morning, after my parents left, we knew we had the run of the house. After waiting about twenty minutes, just to make sure they hadn’t forgotten anything, I stripped out of all my[…]
Phoenix rising & crystal (two stories)
This is a double bill. Phoenix Rising and Crystal, making an almost novella length story. The tales are separate but they have characters in common. Phoenix Rising /> An adult tale by Miss Irene Clearmont.[…]
Rick's wife part 6 of 6
My friend's story Rick's WIFE 6 (6 of 6) "Ladies, bring Peter with you and come stand in front of me," William said. We rose from the couch and moved together toward William. I was[…]
Caught in the web
Jake Farspeed tried to remind himself why he had joined the Star Rangers as he made his way through the desolate canyons of the planet Eta Epsilon 5. He held his blaster ready, but so[…]
Anne's anal adventure
It was late in the evening when Anne's boyfriend, Jake, asked her if she would like to try 'back door' sex. The had been together for quite some time and had experimented with almost every[…]