The Island Part 3 We walked across the soft grass… the evening breeze chilling her through the thin chemise… Inside the room, I turned the water on to fill the Jacuzzi… lighting the candles that[…]
The Beginning and the End
I could see the world burning around me and all I cared about was the pleasure Cassidy’s mouth was bringing me. Eventually I pulled her head off me. Her face was red and covered in[…]
At the anatomy class
A woman enroled in nursing school is attending an anatomy class. The subject of the day is involuntary muscles. The instructor, hoping to perk up the students a bit, asks the woman if she knows[…]
There's a time for everything… (chapter 1)
CHAPTER ONE – THE STORY “So are you coming to dad’s play tomorrow?” Amanda asks as she lays there wrapped around the strong arms of Daniel, whom she has been dating for over two years,[…]
Peter and paul
Erotic novels by Gail Holmes “Peter and Paul” Peter knew this would be his very last chance to go the Model Plane Exhibition at Earls Court. Georgina would never go after the last time; his[…]
What a deal! chapter 8
i> From the last story Cindy and I helped Louise back up and got her dressed. She was still in a fog. Finally, we were presentable and we left the booth. We headed for the[…]
Daddy's story: chapter one
As I drove down I-75 toward a small town outside of Lima Ohio, I wondered if I was making the right decision. Friends and family members have put the majority of my recent decisions in[…]
My first facial, and big cock
My First Facial, and Big Cock After my first experience at the bathhouse it’s hard to remember which is my second gay experience. I’m pretty sure its this one though. Part of what got me[…]
Claire #6: close shave
Claire carried the chips and dip on a tray into the family room where her two good friends Jill and Vera were watching a soap on the television. "Hurry up with that, I'm hungry," said[…]
Her christmas wish
The Christmas holiday season has always been a memorable time of year. Whether it is time spent with family, those special gifts from a loved one, or simply the smell of Grandma's cooking, every Christmas[…]
The wrath of gaia pt 11
Cat walked up the steps of the two story wooden house with a nice red wood finish. The front of the house had a single window on the first floor, with two more on the[…]
One favor too many
I wondered how it had come to this as I sat on the edge of my bed looking at her. She might be wondering the same thing though her sleepy eyes gave nothing away. She[…]
Boy's first cock
This is my first story so please crateque but not to harshly. THis story is the first of many so tell me what u think so i can fix it in the next one.! I[…]
The end of lance
Being now in college, Lance thought he had to improve upon his social image. This upgrade also included getting a girl friend. At first, one may think this wasn’t strange. However, one simple problem existed;[…]
Getting the summer camp crush pt. 2
After having sex after lunch Chris didn't see Lindsay until later that night at the bond fire. A bunch of the campers were around it and Chris found a spot next to Lindsay. She seemed[…]
Alice chapter one
Alice Chapter One The Secret Garden Alice skipped down the white gravel path, enjoying the bright spring morning. Everything was so green and smelled fresh. The flowers were in bloom and filled the air with[…]