I’d known Dave for three years. When I started comprehensive school he had become a good friend of mine, and I regularly went over to his house to hang out. We’d usually play video games,[…]
Me and my step brother
Its starts off like this my dad had just met this women whom happen to have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 daughter. I met this oldest son first (the one who I would eventually[…]
My children are having sex
Fbailey story number 383 My Children Are Having Sex My sister said, “My children are having sex.” I asked, “With who?” She replied, “With one /> I smiled thinking that Sissy and Carol were becoming[…]
Smooth body shine as sun
This story is a true story that happened to me when I was 13 years old. It is about me and three older girls that fucked me. My Mother and Father they decided to go[…]
Sub life
She isn’t hard to figure out. She wears her emotions on her face. She can’t conceal things even when she wants to. She has only had a handful of relationships. Most of them have been[…]
Friends and lovers
Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the[…]
My day at the zoo
I wanted to write and tell you all about the day my friend Janice and I spent the day at the zoo. First, I should tell you that we haven't been friends for very long[…]
Pleasure agreement
I had been a member of the Singles Dating site for about a month. I had only run into crazy, horny, unintelligent men who did nothing to excite me. I wasn’t looking for love, but[…]
Driver sex story – the unforgettable ride
My husband was an expert in bed. We would play games where he would blindfold me, and pleasure me in endless ways. Many times he would tie me to the bed, strip me naked, spank[…]
Lunchtime fun
I was sitting in a packed full Subway eating my lunch when I met Ashley. The restaurant was full and in no time there was no seats to be had anywhere in the restaurant. I[…]
Ten thousand for a thief: part 1
It had all started as a game. No one was to get hurt, no regrets. A college prank gotten out of hand, one beer to many. Darren was the class dare devil, his pride would[…]
Evil story of massive doom.
Mini character information for main characters: Anya: A cat-girl who enjoys playing around. Onihi: A demonic that likes to cause problems. Asoko: An angelic that thinks that Onihi is too much trouble. Asuko: A wandering[…]
Stephs intro to sex chapter 2
Stephs Intro To sex Chapter 2 It has been over 2 months since i first done something sexual ever since then ive been looking up stuff on sex on the internet. I now have a[…]
Donovan manor chapters 15-19
Chapter 15 Ray leaves for Japan Friday morning came early and Ray was up and gone by sunrise. Kathy got up after she heard him leave and put on her jogging clothes and went out[…]
The center cushoin
Incredible Night What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago. When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant[…]
Young man julian checks into hotel room
As Julian walked into the hotel room dragging his bag behind him he could hear water running in the bathroom. Great he thought to himself! So he called down to the front desk to have[…]