Daves sister

I’d known Dave for three years. When I started comprehensive school he had become a good friend of mine, and I regularly went over to his house to hang out. We’d usually play video games,[…]

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Sub life

She isn’t hard to figure out. She wears her emotions on her face. She can’t conceal things even when she wants to. She has only had a handful of relationships. Most of them have been[…]

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Friends and lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the[…]

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Lunchtime fun

I was sitting in a packed full Subway eating my lunch when I met Ashley. The restaurant was full and in no time there was no seats to be had anywhere in the restaurant. I[…]

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Evil story of massive doom.

Mini character information for main characters: Anya: A cat-girl who enjoys playing around. Onihi: A demonic that likes to cause problems. Asoko: An angelic that thinks that Onihi is too much trouble. Asuko: A wandering[…]

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