To the Xnxx community, I am going to shameless plug more other stories, If you like this one you may like some of the others I have wrote. Please comment, for any feedback just PM[…]
I love to fuck
fasgfgt gagawrf YJ story by: sovanara
Quite dumb.
Two parents had taken their 8 year old Tommy to a nude beach, He came running "Mommy Mommy I saw a woman with bigger boobies then yours!!" She smirked " The bigger they are the[…]
Six-mile high club chapter 5
Six-Mile High Club chapter 5 "Come on Daddy, let's get some breakfast. We can go to my house and play all afternoon if you want. My mom won't be home until late this /> She[…]
Valerie carefully slid her fingers across the bumps that protruded from the pages on her book, ocassionally stopping to pick up the micro cassette recorder to make some notes for tomorrow's world history class!!! Every[…]
First time sex story – after my high school prom
Jasmine imagined a rough but erotic first time sex where Chris finds her in a barn feeding horses. He approaches her from behind and wraps his muscular arms around her body, kissing her on the[…]
New roommate 4
It had been a few days since the news of my dads passing and Nate and i fucked. I was feeling worse rather than better and everyone was tip toeing around me like at any[…]
Training gail part two – gail is found out
As Gail pulled in the driveway, she had a sinking feeling in her stomach. While clothed, she felt completely naked and vulnerable, but with a hint of excitement about the unknown. The events from last[…]
Mummy’s true passion, book two: pregnancy days – chapter seven
Mummy’s true passion, book two: pregnancy days – chapter seven Mum and I had showered. Fooling around with each other took us actually longer than the basic act of getting clean. The entire bathroom was[…]
But you can do me anally
Fbailey story number 317 But You Can Do Me Anally “But you can do me anally” was what I heard her say. I also heard the part about, “I’m a virgin and I’m going to[…]
Jessica – chapter 8b – evil continued
“Why is it that the dancing on all of these videos looks more like sex than dancing?” Riley demanded after watching a few videos. Jessica shrugged, “It’s the style.” But her nonchalance vanished when both[…]
Toms frustration
It was still quite early for Tom to be returning home on a Saturday night. He’d been hanging around in the car park of the local Somerfield store with a group of his friends, drinking[…]
A rainy day
The steady trickle of rain could be both seen and heard around us. The large picture windows of the apartment made it difficult for us to escape the gloomy, overcast skies around us. I sat[…]
The locker room
Hi! my name is Nicole, I'm 15 years old, 5'4, 117 lbs, brownish blondeish hair, blue eyes, 32b, and tan. I'm a cheerleader for our high school along with my friend Sarah (15 years old,[…]
Seduction of a third part 3
This is the third and final installment of this true love story. After the incident at the movie where we were thrown out for lewd behavior we headed home glowing with satisfaction. Your gauze top[…]
Fishing for my booty
I remember clearly the first time I got my asshole fucked by another man. it happened at the same time his buddy fucked my mouth for the first time. the two of them double tagged[…]