Angie owned a large car dealership in Grapevine, there was a rumor going around that there were financial difficulties. Angie knew who John Malone was and that when I went out for lunch or dinner,[…]
Exhibitionistic confessions
Exhibitionistic confessions I believe that we all are a little exhibitionistic, although I regard myself to be it a little more than average. Judge yourself after reading these short glimpses from my own experiences: 1.[…]
E`ureka's first time
Eureka seveN The Night of Their Lives By: Deathangel1991 Renton is 14 at the time he is tall about 5’ 10”muscular and broad shoulders And Eureka is only 12 she is not as tall as[…]
Sex with judges for tranny contest
I will start with 34C – 26 – 39. It’s not a part of my ID card number, these are proportions of my shemale figure. Breast implants – and I have 34C-size of my boobs.[…]
Hot summer
Hot Summers & New Beginnings (Part 1) The summer was hot and the days seem endless that year. I’d just turned 9 years old, and like all regular boys of that age, was into all[…]
I wanted him that bad
Nikki and I had been up on the computer since 5 and it was now 11, we chatted on her MSN and had also been drinking Vodka and 7up she was still nursing her 1st[…]
Sex joke
Q. What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog? A. After a year, the dog is still excited to see you. story by: Crude Guy
A thorough distraction
You wake to find the room darkened the sun having set while you napped. Having heard you begin to stir I'd risen from the rocking chair by the bed and had walked to the dresser[…]
Late evenings part 14
Part 14 I knew we had seen the last of Delia for the weekend, and I assumed that the remainder of our weekend would be as busy and dull as usual. When I got home[…]
Anne marie (kitten) slutwife for cowboys
My husband and I have been together for 17 years now and believe me, I consider myself to be the luckiest wife in the world. You see, we have what you might call “an He[…]
Lazy summer daze – chapter i
I awoke this morning with this tightness in my gut; a signal. Fuck, today's gonna suck, I think to myself. On mornings like these I was always right: My eyes were fighting me for sleep,[…]
A long night
Leslie was a 19 year old girl, and as with any 19 year old girl, slightly bored with life. She was a successful student at a state college, working part-time, and teasing college boys full[…]
First time with carter part 3
After my anal sex experience with Carter, we became very good friends. We didn’t see each other as often as we would like, because we were both really busy. My work was becoming more demanding,[…]
Sex joke
Q. What's in the toilet of the star ship enterprise? A. The captains log. story by: Crude Guy
My wife's friend and co-worker
This is a true story of my time with one of my wife's friends. I have changed the names for the reasons you would think. It takes place in the year 2011. She is 66,[…]
My girlfriend and her cousin
Her hand so smooth ran over his face, in a sweet caress. Passing over his ear he shivered in delight. Tingling down his back. He kissed her, smoothly rubbing his tongue over the seam of[…]