New beginings

New beginnings By anon y mouse First a preamble this is a follow on from a previous story ‘NEW MOTHER’ this story stands alone but for the background read you can read the other one[…]

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Curious kid

Once, a curious 5-year-old heard her parents arguing. She eavesdropped as they called each other names like bitch and bastard. She interrupted and asked them what a bitch is and what a bastard is. Her[…]

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Sharing sue

At thirty years old, Sue was a very attractive young lady. She stood slightly over five foot five inches tall and weighed 125 pounds. She had a good figure with firm breasts, nicely rounded hips[…]

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Private dick

A phone was ringing; he couldn't hear it, he only felt the vibrations through the desk; all he could hear was his blood in his ears and the faint moaning of the dame who's luscious[…]

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Broken promises

Emily awoke in the dead of night in her soft pink bedroom to the feeling of big hands shaking her by the shoulders. “Get up, sweetheart. We have to go out. Come on now, it's[…]

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Tiffany ch. 1

Note: This is my first story – part 1, of course, and constructive criticism is always appreciated. Enjoy! /> Hi! My name is Tiffany, or "Tiff", for short. This is the story about meeting the[…]

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The fog – chapter 2

A snake wiggled frantically, trying to cross a large area of open water before jaws could swallow it from beneath the still water. A mayfly fluttered over the surface, dipping and dancing, courting death like[…]

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