The trucker

A trucker who had driven his fully loaded rig to the top of a steep hill and was just starting down the equally steep other side when he noticed a man and a woman lying[…]

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After hours

It was just after 5:30 on a Monday evening as Cedric walked through the halls of the empty school. The day wasn't very hectic or even tiring for that matter, but the joy of being[…]

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Mariat i

Soft, leather boots made nary a sound as they brushed along the worn, dirt path that cut a thin swathe through the dim forest, as Mariat's lithe frame glided along it, akin to a shadow[…]

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The kidnapping

It's winter and the rain is pouring down, an icy wind is blowing strong enough to make it hard to drive and the bare branches on the trees to blow dangerously, my car has broken[…]

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Susan elaine

SUSAN ELAINE Susan Elaine Andersen! How she hated that name. There was nothing good about any part of it, not even a remote connection to the family of Andersen Windows. When she started school, the[…]

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