Bryan's corvette

Since the first time I saw Bryan sitting in the corner intently studying his lap top screen my curiosity regarding him abounded. The little coffee shop I worked in was well known for being a[…]

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Help! – part 12

Welcome to part 12 of *** Back at Danny’s house, everything was great as Danny turned the cold silver key, locking his front door as Jake made himself comfortable on the soft, black, leather sofa.[…]

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The photographer

"You do understand the nature of the photographs we'll be shooting," Carl asked, "I just want to get everything out in the open so that later on we don't have a problem!?!" "I understand," the[…]

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First love

We all have had own individual experiences as to how we introduced to wonders of sex be by others or by ourselves. This may have happen early in our lives or other times on our[…]

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College days ch. 09

Colette and I arrived home late Wednesday afternoon from the airport. Colette was pretty tired, she had risen early for the conference each morning we were away, then again to catch the plane home. In[…]

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