I need a daddy

Estelle was sitting alone at the bar as she studied her surroundings, the soft beat of a 90's pop song thumping in the background. Her attire consisted of an extremely low-cut, black dress and a[…]

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Part time job

It had been over three weeks now since Lindy and her boyfriend had broken up and the sexual tension that had slowly been building up in her plump pussy was now becoming almost unbearable!!! Even[…]

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Christmas crackers

Holly and Ivy were on fundraising duty for the Topton Academy (a boarding/day academy for girls, in a place called Topton). Calling door-to-door In Topton, Holly, was a short, plump blonde, Ivy,a tallish slender brunette.[…]

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The restaurant

She is dressed in a tight fitting black wraparound dress and black sparkly platform heels. Her dark hair pulled up into a high, tight ponytail. The silver earrings dangling from her lobes casting flickering tiny[…]

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Soothing mysti (all parts)

DISCLAIMER: EVERY THING IN THIS STORY IS JUST THAT. A STORY. EVERYTHING IS MADE UP. FAKE. FICTICIOUS. If sexual relations between family members bothers you, read something else. If you don’t like it tough crap[…]

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