The party was over, but our night was just getting started. I'd just got back from a nightclub in central London and I was fumbling the keys to the front door of my apartment; it[…]
I am your drug. chapter 1
It was midday on a wednesday Jessie had plans to meet her husband Dan for lunch at a local bar and grill. She arrived at the place about 15 minutes early. It looked to be[…]
School term paper part 2
I couldn’t wait for Debbie to get home from school the next day so I had the front curtains open so I could watch for her. Of course I was already naked and my cock[…]
The quickie
Quickies are my thing. I like to get in and get out, so to speak. So I'm always looking for women with the same idea. It's hard to miss a horny woman if you have[…]
It had been about two months since i transfered schools and moved to my new neighborhood. I was not the best looking kid but i guess its true that personality matters most because i had[…]
Garden of earthly delights
It was about ten o’clock on a warm, summer-like morning in southern California. As Jonathan looked out his second floor bedroom window, he could see his neighbor, Veronica. She had already come out onto her[…]
The curious encounter with grace swanson
All I wanted her to do was answer a simple question. I wanted to know what day her school got back from winter break. I had been out of school since June of last year[…]
The boy who lived down the street(part four)
She felt the hot sun burning her skin; she opened her eyes and waited for them to adjust. She felt a hot body up against her back; Jake was in her bed, his arm around[…]
Ester, helen, and rose
Ester, Helen, and Rose I went to my local home improvement store/warehouse to return something. I was in line behind a short guy, waiting. Behind us I saw this woman, a Hispanic beauty, long black[…]
I don't care what i am
Just a bit I wrote about a couple. If you like it, I juuust might write more, but for now it's a one shot. When I was younger, I was never really attracted to guys.[…]
For a man i miss
For a Man I Miss I want to feel you enter me again, To penetrate me totally and fill My cavity with hard and pulsing flesh And send me into realms of utter bliss. I[…]
Murder on the mainline: another mike claymore mystery chapter 12
CHAPTER TWELVE 3RD SATURDAY Saturday morning, thinks Mike, almost the end of May. Two weeks until the first hearing is scheduled for Ray. He reviews in his mind the progress he has made in trying[…]
The stone part 2
Part 2 Chapter 4 Back to School. Monday. I was sitting at my desk in English Class. My desk was the last in the third row, Lulu was the third deskin the first row. She[…]
The pact chapter 2
The Pact Chapter 2 Jack groaned, rolling over as he pressed the snooze button, silencing the alarm that had jarred him from his sleep. Opening his eyes, it took him a few minutes to process[…]
The backseat adventure
I had always told my wife of my desire to keep our sex life exciting. I would go to swingers sites and talk to people but couldn’t get her to join me. We have a[…]
Wifes inner slut
My wife and I had talked about her being with other men and she always said no. Well about a month ago this all changed. We were planning on going out drinking and dancing, so[…]