I can’t help but remember how our first meeting was like. “Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your seat belts fasten… “ Something went through my body, like a lightning. There I was, even though I[…]
Educating the girls part 11
Educating the girls By anon y mouse Chapter 11: Chance meeting There was much to discuss as the journey home progressed and both Bonnie and Angela tried to question Jerry about the offer but as[…]
A swinging lifestyle, chapter 1
Linda was a rather pretty woman with a shape somewhat like a Barbie doll. I was alone with her in the office frequently, and our talk usually ended up including sexual inuendo. I often commented[…]
Mixed metaphors iii
Mixed Metaphors III Tony awoke from a troubled sleep, laying across the foot of his king sized bed from left to right. It was dark in the room, however the bathroom light was on. The[…]
Court record chapter eight
LIFE TOGETHER For reasons only people in love can explain, Sarah’s life took on new meaning after these events. There were only four weeks remaining until her tutored classes for fall were scheduled to begin.[…]
Pink with seven dents
What's pink and has seven dents? Ans: Snow White's hymen. story by: The Porn Joker
A tale of two islands
titled: a tale of two islands. part 1 The evening sun was still warm when we rode our way into west bay and closed on west dollar and east dollar island. The islands at one[…]
Flying high
We laugh together as we run into the air-conditioned airport terminal from the muggy heat outside. The effect was miraculous on you as I glanced at you once we were inside. Aside from raising your[…]
Training sprite
As I sat in the front room of my house listening to the random and albeit annoying noise of the other occupants of my house I let my mind wander deep in to the depraved[…]
Tim, the teenage part xxii
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely[…]
Oh what a night
Some years ago my wife and I were separated due to both not being mature enough to handle marriage and also a lacking of being wild and crazy. We remained fuck buddies and eventually got[…]
Mom making rent
Between the half-closed blinds I could see the soft glow of lamplight illuminate her pink bare breasts— shaking with each forced thrust. Riding reverse, mouth wide open, touching her wiry patch with one hand and[…]
Driven to sex
DRIVEN TO SEX One Friday evening last summer, my fifteen year old daughter Lisa was with me in the pub waiting for her step father to come and pick me up. Steve works for a[…]
Part 1: I am in the middle of the living room waiting for my Master. I am nude and you can see the bumps ripple over my peach skin as the ceiling fan twirls around[…]
My neighbor ned
My Neighbor Ned I’m an old guy widowed; living in the same house my wife and I raised our kids in. I have great neighbors some who have lived here as long or longer then[…]
Starting from scratch, part one
He looked at his watch, took a sip of coffee, and looked at the door again. Ten more minutes, he decided, that would make it an even hour late, five thirty, then he would move[…]