“Riley, do you want us to wait? Or are you guys going to walk home?” Henry asked as he pulled into a parking spot at the high school they attended. “Henry it’s fucking eighty degrees[…]
DANGLE The silky, white, arch is visible just above the soft leather. A slight nudge and the strap breaks its hold. Allowing her spiked neighbor to hover just above the ground. The plump digits balance[…]
Am i normal part 1
Am I normal? Part 1 This was written by me for my wife she has read it for accuracy as she is not big on these sites her thing is to not know what I[…]
Finger fucked female
Lisa leaves her boyfriend and starts a new life. Everyone needs a first story, and this is mine. I hope you enjoy it. If you are looking for quick action you should probably look somewhere[…]
Carlos and derrick
Carlos and Derrick I met Derrick on the first day of school. I was the new kid at a small Christian school where the entire student body was in 3 rooms on the top floor[…]
Violated passenger
Passengers milled and murmured, watching the glowing yellow light approach. Wheels screeched, the wind blew and the passengers stepped back until the speeding subway came to a halt. The doors open and there was a[…]
Another billy saturday
Another Billy Saturday And so it is another Saturday. A day of rest, of relaxation and my friends are pursuing their interests in many places. Tom went golfing. Pete is on the boat for another[…]
Tim, the teenage part xxii
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely[…]
Youth driven passion part 1
Prologue Coming home wasn't an easy choice for Alan. He hated that after doing so well at his writing career, he had to come back here. North Carolina was supposed to be his past. Now[…]
Sweetheart to sinner
This is originally my first time posting something for you guys; I accidentally posted this in forums and not, your know, stories. I do have personal stories, though, I don't think you are Ready for[…]
In the middle of the middle of september
For no particularly fascinating reason I found myself staying with my aunt Renee. In the coming month, I would either move back east or move into the condo my mother was in the process of[…]
Blast from the past
Keep in mind this is my first story. I would love to here your comment, but if you just feel the need to bitch DON’T! Advice is welcome. Thanks! My name is Alex, which is[…]
A good life to cum.
it was a friday night just like all others come home eat dinner, go to bed and yes the occasional look up of porn. while surfing the net i started thinking what it would be[…]
A quick divorce
Copyright 2002 FK Publications Seated before the TV screen, Bob played away with the video game, the thing plugged into the consul, giving him the best possible view of the score as he held on[…]
My party
When I was 14, I had a birthday party in my family's newly completed game room. It was above the garage, and had originally been intended to be a place where my friends and I[…]
Daniel's idea: chapter 1
Daniel was quiet as he sneaked through his little sisters’ bedroom; not too quiet, of course; he wanted there to be a chance he’d be heard, and even discovered. His heart crept up into his[…]