Taking michele

Taking Michele It began when I started college. I moved from a farm to a nice little city, around 66,000 people or so. You know, the kind of city that has crime, but it hides[…]

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Saturday night out

Giada fidgeting with her short dress, clearing her throat uneasily as I sat at the bar. Men were staring at her. The dress I sent her is very short and the sharp, lethal looking stilettos[…]

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The menu

The Menu Jeremy was beginning his third year in his graduate program. He was following in the footsteps of his grandfather; at least that was what his mother had told him. His grandfather was an[…]

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Old farm fun

Back to work at the farmhouse. I had seen the pictures, it had been quite a plot of land in its day…the current owner of the farmhouse had grown old. He had sold much of[…]

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Newly submissive

When Kasey woke up her boyfriend was playing video games, not really noticing her so she got up and went to get dressed in her for him that she was ordered to wear every day[…]

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One year on a summer break i stayed at a friends house, his name was Brandon. He was an awesome guy and his family loved me so much they were happy to let me stay[…]

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Smoke out revised

It was a warm, dark night. The guys outside the building were all excited and expectant for the waited event to take place. You see, every once in a while, meaning once every couple of[…]

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