DRIVEN TO SEX One Friday evening last summer, my fifteen year old daughter Lisa was with me in the pub waiting for her step father to come and pick me up. Steve works for a[…]
She was 34, i was 22
I was working at a fast food joint at the age of 22 and was an assistant manager. One of my duties was hiring employees which was kind of fun. This lady came in to[…]
Sex it up chapters one and two
I'm thinking the pairing should be called RoCe. Whenever CeCe and Rocky first became friends, CeCe thought of her only as a best friend. Nothing more, the thought of her and Rocky being something more[…]
Student lesbians 2
Sam and Lisa As the weeks gone by, Lisa and Sam’s friends started to notice they were getting closer. Lisa and Sam started to walk around the university holding hands, they would always go out[…]
Cumming or going?
My name is Destiny and I am a vampire. Unlike those bullshit stories, I don't need blood to survive, I need cum juices. I am doomed to wander the earth alone for all of eternity,[…]
Body art chap 1
Jack surveyed his new beginners art class. Who was to be his target this semester? He was a post graduate art student, already with a bit of an artistic reputation. He had irritated his professors[…]
Just getting started
I was working at a drug store in my sophomore year of high school. My first job was great making money on my own. I was 16 dirty blonde hair blue eyes my beach days[…]
Ami grows up
Ami was a shy girl, just turned 18 years old. She grew up in a small town north of Chicago, a town where everyone knew your name and no kid could get away with anything.[…]
Old abandoned warehouse
I called Marci giving her the address of an old abandoned warehouse I owned in Queens New York, I asked her to meet me there. The rap of her boot heels echoing off the concrete[…]
“That was good, I had a little one,” She tells me groaning. “Just a little one,” I ask wondering what else I should have done. “Yes, it was basic fucking and it was good enough.[…]
Sweet sophie !!
Sophie is my neighbours only child, she's a sweet young girl of 13 years old, but there has always been something about her that has made me look at her in a different way to[…]
My daughter decided that i was to be her first
My Daughter Decided That I Was To Be Her Very First Lover! My name is Ross Smith; I’m 46 and have a wife and two kids. My wife is named Rachel, she is 45. Together[…]
Soccer mom and a bully chapter 3
I've been crying myself to sleep every night since this whole ordeal started, though I've been doing more crying than sleeping lately. My eyes are puffy, sore and red and I'm staring at the ceiling[…]
My downward spiral to a becoming a slut chapter 18 â– indictment and arrest?
I sat in my room after the group meeting. I could hardly believe Elizabeth had the guts to tell the group about her assault only a few days after it happened. But that was the[…]
Prior planning prevents pregnancy
Proper Planning Prevents Pregnancy by Sivad2 Fortunately, I have a couple of older brothers that I'm close to. Also fortunately, guys mature much slower than girls. So. Even in high school I have more of[…]
Me and milly – part 4: threesome
Me and Milly had been fucking around for about a month now, we had had some good long sessions where I had actually stayed over and slept with her, sneaking around wasn’t too bad either.[…]