The Bermuda Island 2: The Mewtwo Boner Saga An Incredible Fanfic by Malethoth Kazyanenko In 2014, Kanto was not the same as it was ten years ago. Far from being an idyllic and beautiful place[…]
You have my permission — part 1
How do you know when a marriage is over? It's not as simple as breaking up with someone because your feelings are no longer as strong. No. It's way bigger than that. You have to[…]
Marilyn f. 2
A month or so after Barb's cunnilingus massage episodes; I received a call from Barb's friend, hair stylist and confidante. She said the old legs and feet needed more of my magic touch. I told[…]
Shadow walker (complete)
Chapter one I stared at the manor house of the cruel noble intently. I had been watching it every night for the last week. Soon it would be midnight and I had decided to move[…]
Cyberlovers: the first meeting
Ann glanced again at the directions printed out from e-mail. Maneuvering her car along the winding road leading to the resort cabin, she thought about what was coming. For the past two years, she had[…]
William and ann ch. 11
William and Ann Chapter 11 Natalie’s hand was replaced by her young lips. Larry felt the heat and moisture from her mouth surround his cock. This little girl was amazingly good for not having much[…]
Never trust aunt angie part 1
I will never forget those words my mom said to me, i was only 8 when she looked me in the eyes and said "never trust aunt Angie, ok?" It was the first time she[…]
Jessica part 6 tim tells me
Jessica – Part 6, Tim’s Story Following the time I had with Jess after her piercings, but before they were fully ready to play with, and while Tim was still away, we had a couple[…]
Happy birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY My name is Josh. My father runs this town. Well, he controls everything that happens here, but he aint exactly an elected official, if you get what I mean. Nothing happens here that[…]
Best holiday ever
The cold coke ran across my tongue and down my throat. After the stifling humidity of Manchester International Airport I gulped down the refreshing drink eagerly. I finished the bottle and screwed the lid back[…]
Just a bus ride…honest 4
My body began to stir, piece by piece, my brain was throwing back on all the switches, though it was my ears that came on first, and this is what I heard: “…ook I'm sorry,[…]
Animal instincts
Katherine checked the rearview mirror for a traffic cop as she sped up to beat the red light. Running late, as usual, with a showing 15 minutes and 5 miles away. At the edge of[…]
Daughter and friends blindfold dad
/> It was a late Saturday night and although I had a few drinks I was far from drunk. The party was winding up and my wife had long retired to bed. Sitting in the[…]
Colin's fault
Dean held my hand. “Come on Lex!” he whispered. “They don’t bite!” Dean’s friends had always scared me. They were all three years older, and no matter how hard I tried, they never seemed to[…]
Chance meeting with my ex, part 1
“You here?”She says enthusiastically. I turned and there she was, my ex-girlfriend Nancy. We had broken up a few years ago because we were in different places in our lives. She wanted something serious and[…]
Violating angel
A few months after our first night with the Angel she began school. She lived over an hour away so when Brendon would bring her to visit it was a special treat. Most times he[…]