Away from the home

This is a true story; all that has been changed is the names of everyone involved to protect their identities /> “Going anywhere nice this month Mr. Tunny?” the nurse asked as she watched Harold[…]

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A slut is born

Chelsea closed the door to her room. The smile on her face and the twinkle in her eye showed her excitement. She could not believe that Jason Brown, a senior, captain of the football team,[…]

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Hotel party

*************** Hotel PArty /> I got an invite to a party a i met online was throwing. I went to his house parties before but this time it was in a hotel.I put on a[…]

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Puff the magic dragon

Fbailey story number 364 Puff The Magic Dragon When I was fifteen, Mom and I moved into an apartment closer to where she worked. Mom was only thirty-two because she had gotten pregnant at sixteen[…]

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At the family reunion

Wendy is technically my cousin however she is a couple of generations removed. (her great-great grandmother and my great grandmother were sisters). She was a bouncy, energetic redhead that, for some reason, attached herself to[…]

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The warm day

It was a warm, sunny day. The kind of day were it takes very little to cause a stirring in one's groin, and the kind of day were the need to overdress, or layer jumpers[…]

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Daughter got caught

Daughter Got Caught When Bernadette turned fourteen years old she convinced me that she was old enough to go home after school and not go to the neighbor’s house across the street as she had[…]

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After school

Ok, this story takes place about six years ago, when I was thirteen. Not really, just setting the story. I lived in the burbs and I had a great life. There was a girl I[…]

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