Naughty talk

let me see if I've got it all down," Linda said as she finished filling entering the order data into her computer terminal, "that's two hundred of the XT40's, sixty of the ZX35's and forty[…]

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Caw 22 entry: dreadnought

I apologize to both Marie Stopes and Robert Falcon Scott if they'd consider this libelous. A lot of these words are Marie’s own, taken completely out of context, from her scandalous blockbuster pamphlet "Married Love"[…]

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Hurricane irene

Fbailey story number 616 Hurricane Irene We had plenty of warning of Hurricane Irene’s destructive force. The hurricane was headed our way. It was going to hit the Eastern Coast of the United States and[…]

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Secret fantasy part 2

We’d been married for about ten years when I discovered my wife’s secret fantasy, she fantasized about being raped and in fact wanted to be raped. I conspired with Rick, a maintenance worker at the[…]

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Shrunken batgirl iii

Barbara (the former Bat Girl) led Sam through the house, up to their room and immediately locked the door. While the 4 months pregnant Di (formerly Wonder Woman) helped Donna (Wonder Girl) and Kyra (Super[…]

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The group 3

Ryann spoke up, “Sorry girls you heard him, I don’t want to end up like Mary and Kaitlyn and to be honest this thing is killing me. Right Alex?” She could hardly muster up any[…]

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